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We provide a CGI script to easily add a counter to any of your web pages. To use the counter, simply insert a line like this into your web page:

<img src="/server-cntr?link=url&font=digit_font&width=len" alt="Page Counter">

Replace url with your url, replace digit_font with any of the font names from our collection of digit fonts, and replace len with an integer to indicate how many digits you want to appear in your counter. For example, font=b and width=4 would result in a counter that looks like this: Page Counter

Page Counter is created by <img src="/server-cntr?font=b&width=4">


  • Be aware that the counter counts URLs, so if you change the name of the file containing your page, the URL will be new and the count will begin at 0.
  • This service works only for web pages on the Computer and Information Science web server.

Counter Options

  • link= argument specifies the URL to be counted. If it is missing, the counter uses the page that linked to the module (if the users browser supports referrer.) Additional arguments must be separated from each other by ampersands (&)
  • ignore= argument specifies IP addresses ( or domain names ( that are forbidden from incrementing the counter.
  • font= argument specifies a font to use instead of the counter's default. If you have a freely available truetype font that you would like to see added to this list please submit download information, author's name, and contact information to webmaster. We will not be able to add every font that is submitted.
  • width= argument specifies how many digits are displayed & has a maximum of ten. If you specify a width that is too small for the number being displayed, the counter will use only as many digits as it needs. If you specify too large a width, the counter will pad the number being displayed with zeros.
  • rand= argument will cause the counter to display a different random number everytime your page loads.
  • reset= argument allows you to reset the counter to a specific value.
  • text= argument allows you to set the font color using the "web color" scheme. For instance, to get a counter with black text, set "text=000000". Note that "#" is interpreted as an anchor by the browser, and as such must be ommitted. "text=#000000" will not behave as you expect.
  • bgcolor= argument allows you to set the background color using the "web color" scheme. For instance, to get a counter with a white background, set "bgcolor=ffffff". Note that "#" is interpreted as an anchor by the browser, and as such must be ommitted. "bgcolor=#ffffff" will not behave as you expect.
  • point= argument allows you to set the point size of the counter. Note this will only work in conjunction with the font= argument, as the default font cannot be sized.
  • image= argument allows you to make the counter generate PNG images rather than the default image format, JPEG. JPEG has been chosen as the default image format because, being rendered internally by most browsers, JPEG images appear to load more quickly and match the other colors presented by the browser better than PNG files. However, the image quality of JPEGs is lower than that of PNG. PNG appears to be slower on some browsers ( those that use a helper application to render the images may appear to "hang" for a moment when loading the counter image ) but the quality is superb.
Edited: December 19, 2008, at 11:35 am
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