Computing resources of the CIS Department are intended for use in legitimate academic and research purposes. Every CIS Bachelor, Master, or Doctoral student who is currently enrolled in a CIS course which requires use of CIS Department facilities is entitled to a computer account valid for the quarter of enrollment. All students not majoring in CIS but taking CIS courses with authorized use of the computing resources are likewise entitled to an account. (However, if a student drops from a class his or her account will be cancelled.) The list of authorized courses shall be prepared each quarter by the Computing Resources Committee (CRC). All other students at the University of Oregon may submit to the CRC a request for an account (forms are available in the CIS Department Office). The request must be endorsed by a CIS faculty sponsor. Industrial affiliates, faculty from other departments, research associates, alumni, and other departmental associates may be granted a courtesy account upon application to the CRC.
Acceptance of an account on department computers binds the user to adhere to professional standards and ethics of computing. The department reserves the right to monitor computing activities of its accounts in order to enforce those standards. Deviant computing behavior (including, but not limited to, unauthorized use of network facilities, attempts to "break a system", unauthorized use of others' files, violation of copyright agreements, etc.) is punishable by the permanent ban from CIS facilities, and -- in cases of criminal trespasses -- by referring cases to the public prosecutor. The department can also protect its resources from depletion by imposing quotas on laser printer, electronic mail, and disk usage, and by collecting fees for any use in excess of a quota.
The CIS Department runs a number of facilities available to a large community of users. Every member of this community is expected to respect the rights of others at all times in order to maintain a professional atmosphere. In particular,